Reminder: Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Margaret R. Sáraco, Jada Gordon, Ron Bremner, Sat, June 29 at 2 p.m. ET


Brownstone Poets on Zoom: Margaret R. Sáraco, Jada Gordon, Ron Bremner, Sat, June 29 at 2 p.m. ET

Brownstone Poets is happy to present another on Saturday, June 29 at 2 pm ET

Our featured readers are:
Margaret R. Sáraco
Jada Gordon
Ron Bremner

Plus a limited open mic. Your $5 contribution keeps our annual anthology in print. Hosted by Patricia Carragon, our Brooklyn girl and Editor-in-Chief.
Please follow these instructions:

Please follow the directions below, completing both steps at least two days before the reading to avoid delays entering the meeting room. Note the order of the open mic follows the order of signup. Sign up early to read early in the program. Last-minute signup means you will read at the end of the program. The cutoff for Zoom access for an open mic slot Is noon the day of reading. After noon, late registrants are not guaranteed Zoom access to join the open but will receive a link to watch the reading live-streamed on YouTube .

Please follow these instructions:
Step 1: Make your $5 contribution:
(Note that your contribution is not refundable.)
Step 2: Register in advance for this meeting:
Step 3: After making your contribution and completing your registration, you will receive a confidential confirmation email containing your unique link to join the event.

Looking forward to seeing you at our June reading!

For your convenience, here is the link to our Facebook event page:


Margaret R. Sáraco

Writer, spoken word artist, and activist Margaret R. Sáraco published her poetry books, If There Is No Wind and Even the Dog Was Quiet (Human Error Publishing) after retiring from teaching in 2022. Her fiction and poetry are published in anthologies and journals, and featured in video, Instagram, and podcast projects. She loves creating workshops like Using the Feminist Gaze in Ekphrastic Writing, Writing the Politics of Climate Change into Poetry, and Quiet the Mind so the Heart can Write. Non-fiction work ranges from a feature about the 1990s riot girls to her book, The Captive: A Prisoner of its Own Time, about a 1920s play banned on Broadway for referring to a lesbian character offstage. She is a poetry editor for the Platform Review.

Jada Gordon

Jada Gordon is a writer, editor, journalist, etc. whose is featured in The Guild, The Campus, Poetry in Performance, Indolent Books, KGB Lit Journal, La Libreta, Boats Against the Current, & “letters we wrote to burn but published instead”, etc. They won the James Tolan Student Writing Award for Best Lyrical Essay and participated in the New York State Summer Writers Institute. They’re the social media manager for the KGB Bar Monday Night Poetry Series and the Wednesday Night Monthly Open Mic at The Red Room. They’ve received a Baldwin for the Arts fellowship and The Sapan River Writers Retreat.  

Ron Bremner

Ron Bremner has worked as a UPS truck unloader, security guard, taxi driver, and forty years as a computer programmer, mostly at Pan American World Airways and Citibank. Since the 1970s, he has written of incense, peppermints, and the color of time in two books and six chapbooks. Journal appearances include Brownstone Poets Anthology, Red Wheelbarrow, International Poetry Review, Jerry Jazz Musician, Galway Review, Journal of Formal Poetry, Paterson Literary Review, etc. His wife is a terrific painter (artist, not house) and sociologist. His son is a better poet than him. He lives in wonderful Northeast New Jersey.

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