Brownstone Poets at the 13th Annual NYC PoFest, Sunday, July 14 at 12:30 pm , The White Horse Stage

Hello Poets and Friends,

Brownstone Poets is taking a brief summer hiatus from our monthly events. There will be no Zoom readings held in July . We will return on Saturday, August 24 with Mona Zanfirescru, Harvey Soss, and Phil Linz.

However, I’m excited to announce that Brownstone Poets will be participating at the annual New York City Poetry Festival on Sunday, July 14 at 12:30 p.m. on the White Horse Stage.

Our fabulous features are:

Elizabeth Morse

Kim D. Brandon


Jordan E. Franklin

Hosted by Patricia Carragon

I would like to give an honorarium to the features. Donations will be taken on PayPal at I will also accept a donation in person at the festival. Your donation will count as an attendance toward being in the 2025 anthology.

Coming to this reading will also count as an attendance toward being in the 2025 anthology.


photo credit: Linda Kleinbub

Elizabeth Morse

Elizabeth Morse’s poetry has been published in literary magazines such as GinoskoKestrel, and SurVision. Her chapbook, The Color Between the Hours, has just been published by Finishing Line Press. She has her MFA from Brooklyn College and supports her poetry with a job in information technology.

Kim D. Brandon

Kim D. Brandon is a poet, artist, activist, and storyteller. She’s a 2021 Brooklyn Poets Poet of the Week, a VONA alumnus, founder of Brooklyn Society Writers group, and the host of writing workshops for people of color. She’s hoping to publish her first poetry collection this year.

Susan Justiniano / RescuePoetix

Susan Justiniano/ RescuePoetix is a globally published, performing poet and twice-honored Poet Laureate. RescuePoetix™ professional artist brand was established in 2006. As a teaching artist and advocate, she is deeply involved in the arts globally, including active integration of the arts through social justice and education. More info:

Jordan E. Franklin

Jordan E. Franklin is a poet from Brooklyn, NY. She is the author of the poetry collection when the signals come home (Switchback Books) and the chapbook boys in the electric age (Tolsun Books). Her work has appeared in Breadcrumbs, Frontier, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, The Southampton Review, and elsewhere.

About the New York City Poetry Festival and how to get to the festival:

Governors Island Ferry Service:

Stay tuned for further details and the NYC Poetry Festival . . .

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